Our therapists are trained to provide the following services:
EMDR Therapy
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an integrative therapeutic approach to aid a client’s ability to process intense emotions. EMDR therapy is an evidenced-based approach to healing trauma and other causes of psychological stress. Through EMDR, clients are provided with education and skills to manage intense emotions, targeted processing of emotional concerns, insight into the effects of the past on the brain’s current processing, and improving the client’s ability to create and maintain a healthier thought process.
Play Therapy
Play Therapy is a therapeutic approach used to address emotional, behavioral, and cognitive concerns in children. Through using the child’s predominant form of communication (play), therapists are able to develop trusting relationships to process through events and experiences at the child’s level.
Child-Parent Psychotherapy
Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) is an intervention model for children aged 0-5 and a caregiver. The sessions focus on the needs of both participants and enhancing their relationship. CPP is often used after a trauma is experienced.
Discovery Work
Discovery Work is an 8-10 session forensic interview for child abuse. This is appropriate for children who are verbal through age 5, with consideration for older children with cognitive delays as assessed by the therapist. Discovery work is referred by The STAR Center following a forensic interview or may be requested by a parent or caregiver. For further information regarding The STAR Center, call (515) 224-3300.
School-Based Therapy
New Beginnings provides school based therapy services for Des Moines Public Schools and the AGWSR school district. Please contact the NBCS office or your school counselor to determine if New Beginnings provides services in your child’s school.